Thursday 28th November 2013

jackToday’s COD is about all round fitness – there are elements of power, speed and strength.

6 x Hurdle jumps + Sprint

50m x Heavy prowler push

6 x High pulls

25m x Bear crawls

25m x Crab walks

Repeat x 5

Use the momentum from the last hurdle jump as the start of the sprint.  Go heavy on the weighted sections – you should not be able to sprint with the prowler!

Wednesday 27th November 2013

Box jumpWednesday’s COD of course will involve weights – this time though you get choose the format

50m x Farmers carry

10 x Box jumps

10 x Deadlifts

You can choose the amount of sets and weight for this – go heavy on the weights and high on box jumps and maybe it’s 6 sets – lighter weights and lower box?  Go for more sets – 10 maybe?

Have fun!!

Next 12 week photo shoot programme!

IMG_1449After the second successful 12 week photo shoot programme enters its final few weeks we are pleased to announce the 3rd is starting on the 21st April 2014.

The course is designed to help women get fitter, stronger and leaner by taking a different approach to training.  Make no mistake, the programme is not for everyone – you will need to work hard and be controlled with your nutrition.  We, and the girls that have just finished the last one, think it’s worth it though – so much so that we have no stated working on the second instalment for them – another 12 weeks building on what they have achieved so far.

The course costs £100 for the full 12 weeks and includes a detailed tailored fitness programme, nutritional support and guidance, 1 x 30 minute personal training session per week as needed, 3 x group sessions (to learn and practice the new exercises as and when they are introduced) and a photo shoot at the end here at the Performance Centre – you get to choose and keep 3 fully edited prints.  Participants don’t have to be members here as the training can be done elsewhere BUT  very few places have the kinds of equipment that we use on the course – particularly the resistance equipment.

The last 2 courses have been a great success – all the girls worked really hard here is just a little of the feedback we had:

“I have absolutely loved this process, having people I don’t know that see me at the gym saying I look amazing and even being able to get into sizes I haven’t wore since I was a kid. The support has been amazing and I’m proud of what I have achieved and the girls I have done this with best group of girls”

photo (17)“I have loved the 12 week programme even with the rough days!! I thought I trained hard and ate reasonably healthy before hand but this has given me a whole new way of looking at food and how to fuel the body for this type of training to get the results we wanted! Doing it as a group has made the difference too and the group of girls have been ace and have been a constant base for awesome support that no one else can give…would recommend to anyone who is serious about seeing what they can achieve in such a short space of time both aesthetically and physically but by no means think it will be easy…will be sad for it to end and if only speaking for myself would hope that the friendships and bond with the girls will continue, and of course the daily beastings at NPC!”

“The 12 week fitness and nutrition programme is the best thing I have ever done. I had no idea I would learn so much about nutrition and food content. By keeping the food diary and analysing the breakdown of the food, you become quite expert in the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’! That said, I didn’t always find the food part easy. There were days when I would ‘fall off the wagon’ slightly but Spencer would always put you back on track! For the last 6 weeks I opted to train 7 days per week and not once did I feel reluctant to do it. On certain days (deadlifts) I couldn’t wait to get to the gym!! You will find that you fall in live with certain types of exercise or weightlifting (deadlifts!) and get excited about them. When we finish the 12 weeks, I will relax a little in the nutrition front and drop my training days a little but it has become so ingrained in me to eat well and train hard, I will continue. I have loved this programme!”

Next course will start 21st of April with the shoot on Saturday the 12th of July 2014

12 week women’s photo shoot programme

photoAll of us at NPC wanted to say a massive well done to all the girls that took part in the 12 week photo shoot programme!

This weekend saw the end of the 12 week programme we have been running with 9 female members of the gym. The objective was to see what a person could achieve in a relatively short time. The difference between this programme and others though was we were not just looking for a cosmetic change. Obviously the girls wanted to look as good as they could by the end of the programme BUT they also wanted to be fitter, stronger and more powerful. Instead of simply following a physique / bodybuilding approach – we took the route of power and fitness as the primary focus – the ethos of our centre and what we stand for. We wanted the girls to feel strong and fit – actually be able to do things previously not possible and they did great!! The training consisted of lot’s of high intensity fitness work and resistance training – yes, we mean weights – not just little ones either!

As for the nutrition, we just reinforced the importance of kcals in vs kcals out and the usual suspects of less sugar / processed rubbish and higher wholesome foods / protein. By getting this part right we were confident the results would come – they did!

The bottom line is there were no ‘secrets’ or magic pills – it took 12 weeks of continued effort, self control with their eating and the determination to succeed were it would have been easier to quit – we are proud of their achievements – well done!!

This is just the beginning for the girls – the second installment starts for them in January – the sequel will be even better!

Keep your eyes peeled for the professional photo’s coming soon!

If you think you could go through what they did and want to really make a difference to your fitness and body we will be re-running the course at the end of January. If any women are interested – please drop us a line at or on 01509 210805 for more information.