The Burpees are coming!!!

Well – the time has yet again come for the world wide (ahem – well, maybe!) month of burpees!  As many of you will know we like the odd burpee here at NPC and a few years ago decided to create International Burpee Month – IBM for short

You can take part in this awesome event by choosing to complete one of the below

BRONZE – 1 extra burpee each day building to 31 on the last day

SILVER – 2 extra burpees each day building to 62 on the last day

GOLD – 3 extra burpees each day building to 93 on the last day

ULTIMATE – 5 extra burpees each day building to 155 on the last day (gulp!)

Each day you do you required amount of burpees – these gradually (or not so gradually in the ultimate class!) build up over the month helping to boost your fitness and get you better at this quite simply awesome exercise! For example on day one of the silver class you do 2 burpees, the next day its 4, the nest 6 etc – we have some easy to use month trackers for each so you don’t lose count – they also have a tally of how many you have done so far that month which can be quite satisfying to see 🙂

At the beginning of the month you also do a quick 3 min burpee test – simply this is as many burpees as you can manage in 3 mins – you repeat this on the very last day and see what has happened – we promise it will surprise you just how much of an improvement you can make it such as short time!

You can choose however hard a version of the infamous burpee you like – you don’t need to go full hardcore – just do what you can manage – it’s about taking part and continuing all the way to the end of the month.

Download your free template here:

Bronze IBM

Silver IBM

Gold IBM

Ultimate IBM


This year as an extra incentive we will be offering participants the chance to win a years free peak membership at NPC – all you have to do is film yourself performing your ‘best’ burpee. What makes the ‘best‘ burpee is open to debate so we thought we’d let our fans decide – you could make it funny / elaborately set / exciting to watch or plain technically perfect – we’ll narrow down the entries and post the videos on our main page – the best as voted for by the fans will win – simple as that 🙂

To get started just let us know which you are doing and add yourselves to our Facebook page by clicking here

Calorie countdown sheet

Those that know us will be familiar with our take on calories and how for the most part they are instrumental in helping people manage their weight.

On a VERY simple level in order to maintain weight your daily calorie intake must be more or less equal to that which you expend – both though exercise / activity etc and through the daily task of keeping you alive.  In order to lose weight there needs to be less coming in and to gain weight more – simply right?

Well – yes and no – on paper it sounds simple but in reality (particularly with weight loss) it’s quite a tricky thing to keep tabs on.  One way of keeping up with it all is to use a tracker – something like my fitness pal etc – this lets you input all your food and drinks and keeps a running total.  it works and we’ve used it loads of times with people in the past with success – however it does have a couple of flaws – big ones as far as we are concerned.

Number 1 – obsession

In the past we have seen people become literally obsessed by trying to get as close as possible to their daily targets – sounds funny to imagine people picking out 1g of porridge so they can hit their target bang on but that is something we don’t find so amusing.  We think anything that takes the consumption of food and drink to that level is the teetering on the edge of eating disorders – to be micro managing at that level and then getting rewarded for it either by a trainer or feedback from the apps can only lead to people trying harder and harder to get closer.

Number 2 – is it accurate? 

The apps themselves offering very good information regarding the various food / drink types and how much of something they contain but they do require people to be accurate with their measurements.  Simply guessing at what makes a portion size is a sure fire way to get this wrong – when pushed we’ve often laughed with clients about whether they guessed or actually measure out the portion – often people are busy and quite naturally they just estimate – this then makes the apps questionable at best

Our answer

Although the apps can and do work for a lot of people the above problems are enough for us to shy away from them – instead we prefer something we call a calorie countdown sheet.

In the video above Spencer talks about how making small changes to a persons REGULAR routine (very important that part) can gradually lead to some significant results over months or years.  Don’t be put off but the fact that this will take time – doing something slowly and making small positive changes is key to making weight management something sustainable easy to do.

Calorie Countdown Sheet

The idea of this sheet is to help you make small changes to your weekly calorie intake.  By filling in the table below you can start to make purposeful changes to your diet that will lead to you consuming less calories.  Simply choose a weekly target – something like 3500 kcals is a good place to start, (roughly equal to 1 lb of fat loss) then each day write down a swap you have made to your regular routine that reduces your calorie intake.

A good example might be swapping a latte coffee from Starbucks which is around 200 kcals to one of their normal black coffees and semi skimmed milk at around 25 kcals.

Another way to do this is by just dropping small things from your diet – an example might be to only eat ¾’s of your favourite chocolate bar – simply by throwing away ¼ of your mars bar will save you around 70 kcals a time – better still swap the Mars bar for something like a Milky Way and save even more!!


Calorie Countdown sheet – This week’s target: 3500

Day Calories saved or used How? Target remaining
Monday 70 kcals Threw ¼ Mars away 3430
Tuesday 175 kcals Swapped latte for plain coffee and skimmed milk 3255
Tuesday 300 kcals No red wine today! 2955

In addition, you could also keep a rough track of how many calories you have used – the best way we have found to do this is with a heart rate monitor or some sort of tracker app – so note those down like below:

Day Calories saved or used How? Target remaining
Monday 70 kcals Threw ¼ Mars away 3430
Monday 150 kcals 30 min brisk walk 3280
Tuesday 175 kcals Swapped latte for plain coffee and skimmed milk 3105
Tuesday 295 kcals 20 min exercise circuit – COD 2810
Tuesday 300 kcals No red wine today! 2510


You can see from the above chart that it does not take long to ‘lose’ calories each day – just requires a little effort and forward planning.  In just 2 days with only one, short exercise session and a few simple changes it shows nearly 1000 kcals ‘lost’. At the rate above you could quite easily look at losing around 1 lb of fat a week with very little effort.

That in itself might not sound much but done for 6 months would be around 26-28lbs or coming on for 2 stone – pretty impressive for such a simple plan.

Download a blank sheet here: Calorie countdown sheet – blank

As ever – any questions on this or anything else just drop us a line by filling in the below

Mentor programme

Some of you may know that my early childhood, adolescence and young adult life was less than a health and fitness ideal 🙂  Without wanting sympathy or to bore you – i’ll fill you in – it is kind of the reason behind this post so bear with me!

Cue melancholy music:

I was a little overweight as a kid – not massively but enough at the time to be teased and on occasion bullied because of it.   I ended up shying away from sport and ‘Physical Education’ (a term i find laughable to be honest but more on that later!) and slowly distanced myself from it whenever i could.  Looking back i can see how this had a very negative impact not only on my health (i went down the anti fitness path – smoking / drinking / crap food etc) but also on my self-esteem and self-confidence, this further encouraged bullying and teasing – which further discouraged me – bit of a vicious circle and made my school life less than fun it has to be said.

The problem for me i think now i can look back at it started with me being… how can i put this? Not great at sport, any sport i tried anyway!  My PE teachers were the old school rugby / football types – you know, bit fat themselves – often past it players that liked to big themselves up about how great they once were – pretty sure you would know the types.  These people far from instilling me with the drive to do something positive actually squashed any chance of improving my situation.  Now i work in health and fitness i can see how little these people actually knew about physical education – they knew about sports granted but actually how to get someone fitter? How to improve their physical confidence, strength and aerobic fitness – no – nope not a jot – at least if they did that they had no interest in showing it – instead focusing all their attention on the people that did do well.  I can’t lay the blame 100% at any one persons door though i can’t stand excuses from people so would not pretend that was the only thing – there were a number of reasons but that part in particular has stayed with me for over 30 years which is sad and a little… ‘disappointing’ i think is the word i’m searching for.

Why disappointing?  

I think because if i’d had someone that had helped me to see that there was much, much more to do with fitness than being ‘good’ at a sport my early life would have been very different.  That someone could have taught me how to gradually improve my aerobic fitness and strength, then shown me how to take that further allowing me to try new things which may have sparked a passion for something – that is what i feel disappointed about.

I am now very different to my old self – i love being fit – i enjoy pushing myself and i like the way that my body feels (yes, ok, also how it looks) and how it responds to exercise – i like that i can now try new physical activities and not feel i won’t be any good – at least not because i’m not fit enough 🙂 I also like the fact that i can go swimming with my boy and not be as hung up on what i look like – it still does cross my mind but nothing like it did when i was younger and less fit.

Because of the above i feel very strongly about people being bullied or suffering from low self-confidence / anxiety etc because of their weight – more so children as they often feel like they have nobody to ask or turn to and are very likely to slip down the same path i and others in my situation did.  I feel lucky that i did find fitness and in turn found a way to become a healthier and more confident person. Something that started out as a niggling thought – coming and going through various parts of my work in this area has now become something i think about daily. I wondered, is there a way i and a few others that have had the same sort of life story could help people that are in the situations we were in – overweight / underweight / unfit / bullied / rubbish at sports etc – can we help?

At this stage I just want to see if there is anyone out there that might benefit from some guidance, mentor-ship and support from people that have lived what they are going through – can I and others like me help to teach these people that there is a way of becoming fitter – show them where to start and guide them through it a little? We could also offer advice on eating better as this is something that is, at best muddled in most peoples minds.

I want to do this free of charge, not a penny – after all, the people that may best benefit from this probably have little or no means to pay for it but that should not stop them from getting it.

This is something that is very personal to me and i want to make use of what i’ve learned with people that perhaps need it the most.  The actual ‘how will it work’ part is something that will be different for each individual involved so we’ll have to talk about that once we get going i guess 🙂 What i hope to achieve is to set a person on a clear path

The biggest problem i foresee with something like this is going to be getting this out to people that are in that situation – in my memory i certainly did not make it clear that i was struggling – the last thing a child wants to do is draw attention to something like this – particularly to parents / teachers etc so perhaps the best way might be to try and share this post with younger people – see if they can then share it again between their friends – hopefully it can then reach the people that can get in touch – they just need to fill out the comments section below and i will get back in touch.

As to meeting / taking this to the next stage – i would have to insist that an adult was also involved for that – does not need to be a parent but just for peoples peace of mind – sad to have to say that but it is what it is i guess so please keep that in mind – I’m also fully DBS checked and have worked with juniors in a gym setting for many years.


Our new programmes

As part of being a member with us you get a free induction / programme but not everyone wants something very structured – we thought it might be an idea to put together some simple programmes that the majority of our patrons ask us about.  We will try and get these all filmed and uploaded as quickly as possible but the first one is ready now:

Fat loss programme

The key to fat loss is to create a negative energy balance whilst maintaining or increasing lean muscle mass.  Most traditional programmes go wrong by focusing too much on long duration steady state cardio work which initially does create the imbalance but only does so for short periods, worse too much of it can actually cause the body to drop muscle – by focusing on maintaining or increasing your lean muscle mass we ensure the amount of energy your body needs to use each day stays high.

That does not mean boring, slow weight training either – far from it – done correctly you can use big weights with speed to increase not only your power output but also improve your aerobic fitness levels – the images below show a weights based circuit and you can see the overall impact on my heart was significant 🙂

The session was not the fat loss programme but does follow the same main principle – move weight quickly (and safely) with minimal rest periods. I was in a rush on that session so it was very short but even so it got quite a bit done 🙂 We would expect that the fat loss programme would have a similar affect on people but for a slightly longer duration.

Day 1

Warm up

Inch worms x 10 +

Wall squats x 10 +

Lunges / walks x 10


Main set

Squat, curl and press x 10 +

Renegade row burpees x 10

2 min cardio – either bag work / row / bike etc

Repeat x 3

KB / Deadlifts x 8

Lunge walks x 8 each side

Stretch to cool down

Day 2

Warm up

Inch worms x 10 +

Wall squats x 10 +

Lunges / walks x 10


Apologies for the dark setting – hopefully you can see it 🙂
This is day 2 of the Fat loss programme we are rolling out.
Warm up – as day 1 – go watch it 😉

Grappler squat + press x 10 +
Tyre flips x 10 +
Kettlebell high pulls x 10
Prowler x 50m
Rest for a short period – then repeat session with 9 reps, then 8 – 7 etc all the way to 1. An easier and shorter session would be to drop the reps by 2 each set – all down to your fitness levels i guess.

One of the things to remember with this 2 day programme is to keep the resistance as high as you can SAFELY manage. The whole point is to test your muscle so it needs to be fairly hefty – obviously we don’t want you injured so go steady to begin with but when you are more confident push yourself.

You can use the PDF below to track your weights / times and progress and we’d recommend sticking with this for at least 6 to 8 weeks – the format is for 2 days a week but as mentioned on the video it could easily turn into a 3 day plan – simply do day 1, then day 2, then another day 1 – the next week start with day 2, then day 1 etc.  If you want to train more than that you’d be as well to look at something that varies from this – a class or some other style of session would partner up well.

fat loss programme 2 day


The biggest variable in getting this programme to work relates to your diet – if that is sensible this will work – if not it won’t! You don’t need any special diet – just be sensible – most people are very aware of what trips them up – just cut down a bit of those things and see how you go – i live by the 80 / 20 or 70 / 30 rule – eat ‘quite’ (we are NOT talking restricted here!) well for 70 to 80% of the time and kick back a little for the rest – life’s too short to deny yourself everything but you do need to understand the words ‘control’ and ‘portion’ – any questions just ask 🙂

30 minute club is returning!!

We’ve been ‘Umming And Ahhing’ about bringing back the live exercise sessions we called The 30-min club as we had nowhere really to film them since Average Joe’s robbed us of out studio space and filled it with soft play 🙂

Now though we have decided that they will be returning – this time we are going to film them live on the main track and make it a class that members at NPC can join in with – we figured seeing other people going through what someone else is doing back in their homes would hopefully aid motivation.

What is it?

The idea behind it was to help get people moving that could not get to out main class sessions – in our minds we thought if we did the session with the people at home it would be more fun – also as it was live each week it would bring a bit of accountability – something that people often say is missing when they are left to their own devices 🙂 The class lasts around 30 mins (as the name may have hinted to you) and it is designed so that a person can do it in a very small area of space in their home / outside etc – no equipment is needed so there are no excuses 🙂 🙂

When will it be?

It is pencilled in to be launching on Thursday evenings at 20:00 (BST) – obviously this is the live time but the video will be watchable later so a person can catch up with it if they miss it.  We will be updating the details as we have them confirmed but want it to coincide with International Burpee Month which starts in August 🙂

Is there a cost?

No – it is going to be going out live on Facebook so there is no cost

Is it only for fit people?

Nope – not at all – we hope we get a good mix of members and trainers to be doing this with us at NPC – we have all levels training here and we want to encourage that at home as well – you can start wherever you feel you can – there will be beginner through to advanced options available.

To find out more drop us a line using the contact form below – we think this will be a great way to get more people involved in exercise and look forward to helping get people started 🙂

Podcast – why you’re not hitting your goals with weight loss and fitness

Over the next few days we will be recording the below as part of a series – we thought audio might work better for some people so figured might be worth a try – also it will allow us to elaborate on the this as we get feedback from it – so PLEASE message us your thoughts or queries on the below 🙂

In this series I’m going to look at possible reasons why you may be not hitting your health, fitness or weight loss goals – I’m not saying all these points will apply to everyone but there is a VERY strong chance you will identify with some of them at least – if we can make just one change it will push your goals forward – must be worth a try right?

  1. You are doing too much cardio

In conventional gyms with lots and lots of cross-trainers, bikes and treadmills etc FAR too many people are doing way too much aerobic exercise.  People unfortunately believe that aerobic exercise – particularly on machines is the number 1 way to burn fat and get them looking great – sadly that is not the case.

Those machines are designed to get a person more cardiovascular (the heart / aerobic system) fit rather than getting them lean and looking great – believe me – if they had any way of getting away with it the manufacturers would call them things like ‘FAT FIGHTER 6000 or GUTBUSTER XXL – truth is – they can’t – hence why they don’t.


A slightly more cynical person might even say those machines allowed a LOT of people to exercise in a small area, perfect for getting lots of members into a relatively restricted room – look how the machines are designed next time you go – very narrow, forward-facing foot print – perfect to put into lines – like hamsters in wheels was something I heard once a long time ago that stuck with me 😊


One of the big problems with long duration low to medium intensity is your body adapts to make you more economical – it thinks you are trying to get better at your cross-trainer activity so responds to the stimulus by trying to reduce your fuel consumption – namely it starts to allow muscle that is not being used to shrink– this not only reduces weight – great if you are trying to do more with less, but it also lowers your bodies day to day needs for kcals – effectively making you more economical with the kcals you get from your food and drink.

That is not a good thing in terms of looking lean or getting stronger as the number one thing we want to preserve whilst trying to lose weight IS that very same lean muscle mass – in fact, in a perfect world we aim to increase the amount of lean muscle mass so as to get the body burning MORE kcals each day rather than fewer.


Additionally, long duration aerobic exercise can often result in the body becoming hungrier – almost subconsciously it will seek to replace the energy used during the exercise – after all – it’s job is to keep you alive and it sees this expenditure as potential problem!

Those extra kcals going in combined with the body trying to make you more economical by actually ridding itself of energy hungry, not needed muscle is a double trouble situation leaving people at best lighter but just as flabby or worse no change.


So – should you stop doing aerobic exercise? Nope – not at all – just don’t make it the main part – or worse still the only part of your programme! Steady state (read comfortable) cardio work is great for your health, it aids the body in lots of ways and helps to build your fitness to try more demanding things BUT it just needs to be part of a balanced plan of attack.


  1. You watch too much TV / look at your phone too much – read!!

This is a massive bug to me – the TV’s in gyms are there to aid boredom but if you follow the first bit of advice and do less long duration stuff you won’t be bored anyway!! Too often I see people pedalling the stationary bike more and more slowly as they become more and more engrossed in what they are watching! Same for the other equipment – the TV has NO PLACE in an exercise environment unless it is playing constant loops of Rocky training montages 😊


The other thing relating to this is spending too much time on your phone – again – people get engrossed in conversations / reading about what is going on – just switch it to airplane mode – get your work down – then go back online! If a client ever started flicking through Facebook or similar they would not be using my services a second time 😊


And yes – I did mention reading in the tag line to this – I have seen – on more than one occasion people deeply engrossed in a book or magazine whilst aimlessly pedalling or walking on the treadmill – WTF?


When you are exercising the number – the only focus is on the session you are doing – in order to actually achieve something from the limited amount of time people have to train we need to make sure it gets our fullest attention!


  1. You focus too much on WHAT you eat and not enough on the QUANTITY

If I was put on the spot and was told I could only say one thing in relation to weight loss / healthy weight management it would be PORTION CONTROL. Eclipsing everything else people portions are very often simply too big.


I can hear people tutting and saying oh – not me – I eat healthily, I don’t eat too much – that can’t be the reason… Really… hmm – with the greatest respect I beg to differ …


The number one thing I have witnessed time and time again is that when people finely believe me and change their plate / bowl size they see a change in their weight.  Studies – a lot of which were done by Cornell food lab – have proven over and over again that the bigger a person’s plate / bowl etc is the more they WILL consume.  I can 100% agree on a personal note (my plate size is often a cause for double take lol) with my own experience with weight management.  I can also 1005 agree in my professional work as I have seen with my own eyes what happens when we change this one simple thing.


People think that they must be eating the wrong things and in some cases, this is absolutely correct – chocolate bars / processed high kcal foods are all obvious things that a person should be reducing when trying to reduce their weight – but if it were that simple then why when these things have been eliminated from their diet aren’t they losing weight?


Put quite simply there is still too much cash in the current account to warrant delving into the savings 😊


I love this analogy – think about your body / kcal intake as cash flow – if you have weight to lose you effectively have a savings account with spare money (energy in the form of fat = kcals) just sitting there – each day you ‘spend’ money in the form of your body keeping you alive and allowing you to do active things such as exercise etc.

You then ‘pay’ your body back with money in the form of kcals from the food and drink you consume.  Your body stores any extra in the form of fat for a ‘rainy day’ – after all, its priority is to keep you alive so it wants to have a nice little sum tucked away – just in case 😊

We need your body to start to release some of those funds so we need it to be spending just slightly more each day than we have in our current account – each day the body will try and ‘top up’ this deficit by releasing stored energy from its fat stores.  This done over and over again will gradually start to chip away at your pile of cash helping to get you closer to a healthy weight.


What is the simplest way to do this? Cut down on the amount of food you physically consume – smaller plates / bowls being the simplest way.  We are not talking big here either – just something 10% smaller will have a gradual, but significant effect over time.


If you only trust me on one thing – make it this – you won’t be disappointed!!


  1. You’re not being consistent enough

Part 1 – exercise consistency


Consistency is massively underestimated in this industry – people are always trying to stand out from the crowd by coming up with ‘new’ exercises – we could blame social media but it’s probably natural and has no doubt always been the same – just not so easily seen.  This innovation is fine and to a degree is needed to move forward BUT your body adapts to a repeated stimulus not a random hit every now and again.   You don’t get stronger / faster / more able to do something by doing something just a handful of times – it takes consistent effort and practice.


I’ve been doing some of the same sorts of exercises for months – some even years!  Do I change things up a bit – yes – don’t want the body to become injured or that used to something it stops adapting but big core movements such as deadlifts / press ups etc will always be in my programmes.


Clients sometimes ask about the weight I use for an exercise or how fast I can do such and such and I am always hesitant to say for fear of putting them off – truth is I’ve done a deadlift burpee hundreds if not thousands of times over, constantly looking to improve and build on my past performances – this consistent approach has meant my body has got quite good at it – I don’t always feel like stacking the weight on and doing it but I know my body responds well to this type of training so I pull up my big boy pants and get it done – sometimes if feels awful – others times it feels great but I always get it done.


TIP – stick with a programme – don’t be constantly looking for ‘cool’ new tricks and variations before you have mastered the basics – it takes time!


Part 2 – nutritional consistency


This second part relates to accepting that you are in this for the long haul – obtaining and more importantly, maintaining a healthy weight takes consistency, a lifelong change of habits – not some quick fix ‘paid for’ solution that promises lighting quick results or your money back.

Excuse my French but this type of thing really pisses me off – I’ve witnessed first-hand the damage quick fix products, pills and potions have on people already desperate to find a solution to their weight problems.


Over and over again people trying to lose a significant amount of weight try the next ‘big thing’ that promises the magic bullet – this obviously has an effect while the person sticks with the harsh regime but study after study shows no extreme diet works long term – the vast majority of people end up back where they were or worse still they gain more weight when all they had to do was follow a sensible but slow approach.  Too often I see people’s faces fall when I say things like realistically ½ to 1 lb of fat loss per week is pretty much where you are going to be – they looked shocked that such a small number is quoted.


The only reason that shocks people so much is because of all the bullshit ‘lose 21lbs in 21 days’ crap that snake oil sellers pump out all over the place – ½ a pound a week is both sustainable long term and pretty easy to achieve / maintain – in a month that’s only 2 to 4 lbs but over a year that is knocking on the door of 2 to 3 stone.  Put that into perspective – at the time of doing this piece it’s July so if they had started this in January (as so many others did with their quick fix stuff) they would be a stone or even 2 lighter by now – pretty big change in anyone’s world and more importantly, because they would have made these changes steadily and consistently they would have become part of their lifestyle by now and would be effortless – it becomes part of who you are – just by being consistent they would be winning the tortoise and the hare race.

Q+A Session 8 – Deck of cards workout

Often people get a little ‘bored’ by bodyweight training and look for ways to add interest – we have quite a few tricks and tips to jazz up your sessions – we will start with this weeks Q+A session as a demo.

Today’s Q+A session relates to circuit training – how can we add more variety to our sessions?
The deck of cards workout is so simple. We first heard about this via a guy we follow called Ross Enamait – check him out here
All you need is a deck of cards – does not have to be a comedy size pack like ours 🙂 then assign each suit an exercise – we used:

Clubs – Squats
Hearts – Press ups
Spades – Burpees
Diamonds – V-sits

Then simply turn over each card and do the given reps – so a 6 of clubs would be 6 x squats – 8 of hearts would be 8 x press ups etc,
A couple of pointers

1. All picture cards (king / queen / jack etc) are 10 reps
2. The Joker/s are used for something like double the last / next card or a particularly horrible version we like, start from the beginning again 🙂
3. Set a timer and only rest when you HAVE to – not just every few cards.

That is one way it could be used – other ways might be:

Partners – take it in turns to turn over a card and perform the reps / exercise while your partner does something like plank hold / jogging on spot or any other exercise you like – then swap over

Body area focus – the demo we used was a full body workout but there is no need to to do it that way – you could make it a legs / ass focused session and simply choose lower body exercises – these really mount up and by the end of the session will def hit the target!

Weighted / resistance session – just because we used bodyweight exercises does not mean it has to be that way – we’ve used this with barbell type sessions and it has worked well 🙂

We are pretty sure there are many ways to use this sort of plan – let us know how you’ve tried it 🙂