Muscle building 101

coll-4Although the main ethos of NPC is to help build a persons performance and all round fitness we also do help people to change their body shape.

For a lot of people that is normally helping to inform them of the different ways to reduce body-fat and overall weight BUT some peoples goals are to get bigger – normally by increasing muscle mass.

We’ve found that people are often a little confused as how this can be done – in reality putting on a moderate amount of muscle is a pretty straightforward process and we would like to offer a little help and guidance on how to approach the goal.

With that in mind we will be holding a number of seminars at npc that any member can attend free of charge. We don’t have fixed dates as yet but it will be in the evening and we would like to hold off until the coffee area refurbishment has finished – so around a month but if you want to register your interest or tell us you want to come along please drop us a line below.

In the meantime if you have any questions or want any advice please feel free to ask – all members get free programmes and we can book you in at a time that suits.