But why?

We love that our members turn up week after week, pushing themselves as hard as they can in our 40RTY Boot camp sessions and really do feel proud of what levels of fitness some of them are achieving. However, sometimes we do ponder what is it all for?

Obviously that is a very open ended question but aside from the more normal responses such as weight loss / toning up etc what else do people do ‘exercise’ for? We refer to it as ‘training’ all the time – “are you training tonight?” / “what training are we doing today?” etc etc but what exactly are most of us training for? What are we doing with this new found health and fitness?

You need a challenge!

We thought it might be fun to get a few mini challenges sorted for this coming year – nothing set in stone but we have 4 weekend type adventures for your perusal 🙂

  1. Highland Challenge – this will be something like a mountain walk, off road cycle, run and row – we’ve been to the estate a number of times and can honestly say its amazing – the challenge will be great and be in the form of a treasure hunt 🙂
  2. The 3 peaks national – this is the classic 24 hour challenge that sees you climb 3 of the UK’s highest peaks in one full day!
  3. Kite-surfing – a 2 day day weekend course – just because we’ve always fancied it and you need to be fit to get the most out of it!
  4. Rat Race coast to coast – this is the biggest one – check out the link for more: Rat race

The idea of the challenges is to make you realise what being all round fit can hep you do – they are all doable for most people – we don’t want superstar stuff – just things that cam help a person stay focused and give them another reason to make the sessions and give 100%

Let us know if you’d be interested – all will be over the next 12 months so no rush – however – we’d start training now!!


We’ve noticed over the last few weeks a few people are struggling sometimes in the 40RTY sessions we run. There can be many reasons but the top 2 are very often inadequate rest and / or fuel.
The sessions we run are not low intensity ‘steady state’ type gym sessions – they are high output / high intensity. These type of sessions place a big demand on the body and without enough rest things very often start to go wrong 😦
There are lots of symptoms and types of ‘over training’ but some of the most common relate to general every day energy levels and how much work can actually be done during the session itself. If you notice that rather than getting stronger you have plateaued / getting weaker or that you are now struggling to hit high heart rate zones you may very well be over training. We recommend 3 to 4 sessions per week MAXIMUM of the 40RTY sessions we run – you can of course train on other days but this needs to be lower intensity to allow the body to recover and get stronger.  You don’t get stronger / fitter by the actual training – you get stronger and fitter by giving the body enough time to recover and repair itself! This also ties in with the below…
The other thing we often talk to people about is adequately fuelling their bodies. It can be hard (especially for those that have lost weight or are still trying to) to come to grips with the idea that in order to get the most out of your body it needs enough fuel. If you are trying to lose weight, or more likely lose body fat, you do need to have slightly more calories being used each day than you put in through food AND drink., but the key word is slightly.
Very often people try and drop hundreds of calories a day from their diet AND try and burn hundreds more by exercising. Short term this has the desired effect on the body – you will drop weight but it is not A) sustainable and B) not helpful for exercise and fitness. If you drop too much energy from your diet you won’t just drop body fat – you’ll very often drop water and almost definitely muscle as well which is not only unhelpful for how you want to look but it will also make pushing yourself during exercise very difficult. If you have no idea how much energy you out in / use each day we’d recommend looking into it further.
There are loads of free apps out there such as My Fitness Pal etc so spend a little time getting your head around this. It can be a bit of a ‘dark art’ to get it 100% right and is very much trial and error initially unless you want to get SERIOUSLY focused. Saying that, very often simply making small tweaks to how you fuel yourself prior to your sessions can have a very positive effect to how your sessions feel and the results you get out of them. Stop thinking about starving yourself to getting leaner / smaller and start thinking about fuelling yourself to get the most out of your training.
If you put exercise itself and how fit / strong you can get yourself as your top priority the body shape will follow – promise! Yes, it is possible to do it with VERY strict and VERY monitored diets with long repetitive weights sessions and if that’s your bag then fine, all props to you,  just don’t believe that is the only way to get in good shape. We’d take high functioning muscle over mirror muscle any day – these days sadly the opposite seems to be the case – you have only got to flick through ‘fitness’ magazines or social media to see what we mean here, people put what they look like over what their bodies are actually capable of doing which is a real shame if you ask us.
The picture below is a ‘recovery’ type shake i knock up for myself to bump up my calories some days. That shake has around (i don’t focus too much on exact amounts as find it often leads to unhelpful thought patterns) 600 calories in it – tastes pretty good and has decent amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates to help my body refuel and repair. I find using some sort of shake allows me to tweak my diet without becoming too used to larger / more frequent meals etc which i no longer enjoy. It also means on days where i don’t need the extra calories i can simply swap the shake for a much lower calorie one or ditch it altogether.
I’m conscious this article could get very in depth so we will end it there for now but try and take away that if you are feeling flat during or before your sessions maybe you need to take a bit more rest and perhaps add a bit more fuel. Also place your priority on getting as strong and fit as you can over what you think you look like in the mirror. If you don’t address these issues most people feel they simply can’t ‘do’ exercise or feel it does not work for them which can contribute to them giving it up altogether which is real shame. Keep going, keep strong and listen to your body – as Baz Luhrmann said:
Enjoy your body, Use it every way you can… Don’t be afraid of it, or what other people Think of it,
It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own…
As ever please feel free to drop us a message or ask any questions – drop us a line via the form below:

FREE 8 Week challenge

We’ve been chatting to a few of you about putting together a free group 40RTY Challenge and have decided to run one starting Sunday 26th August until Sunday 21st October. 

What is the challenge?

Quite simply the 40RTY 8 Week Challenge is about you deciding to focus on boosting your own fitness and weight loss goals. You will decide how many sessions you are going to commit to each week – we will make sure you get the most out of every one!

On top of the physical sessions we will help you choose the right goal for you and track your progress whilst offering nutritional advice to both fuel your sessions and move closer towards you chosen body shape goals. The most popular challenge we think will be the fat loss and fitness one – so far the vast majority of people enquiring are looking for those 2 things as their goals.

The challenge consists of the following key components

MyZone belt – This is the only possible ‘extra’ we charge for – the cost of the belt is lowered to £65 for any of our full 40RTY members and is a fantastic way to monitor your attendance, fitness and MOST importantly your work effort. We’ve been using them for years and love the simplicity of the system – it also shows live on a big screen during each class how hard you are trying which we have found to be a very strong motivator and really improves a person’s success. The belt tracks every session you do – both in the gym and outside – perfect if you have some sessions outside of NPC such as running or taking part in a sporting activity.

We think the best part of the MyZone system is it rewards effort, not how fit you are – the harder you try the better your result! We are so confident you will love the belt that if after the 8 week programme you don’t like it or not found it as useful as we think you will we will buy it back fort the same price you bought it for! We don’t make this a demand so you don’t have to buy one but strongly consider it.

Multiple exercise sessions per week – One of the key things that makes the 40RTY programme so successful is that it encourages a person to train on multiple days of the week. Frequency of training and consistency far outstrips longer duration ‘drop in style’ sessions for most weight loss or fitness goals. We also change the sessions EVERYDAY so you will never do the same workout twice – boredom will never set in with our programme.

The sessions consist of a very wide variety of circuit training exercises and different timings to challenge your body in a well rounded and very effective way – all are designed to boost fitness, burn fat and build strength. As well as our sessions you can decide to include things you currently enjoy doing – running / weights or anything else that gets your heart rate up. Simply tell us at the beginning of your challenge how you want you week to work and we can tailor the tracking to help.

We’d recommend you commit to 3 to 4 sessions as a minimum for the 8 week challenge – we can help with more resistance type sessions as well if you goal demands it.

Fitness testing and Habit tracking app – The fitness tests are designed to give you a baseline when you start your challenge – don’t panic – they are suitable for all levels. You will complete a basic fitness test at the beginning of your challenge and again at the end to see how much progress you have made.  We are not about all show / no go here at 40RTY and even though we want you to look as good as you can – we still want you to smash your fitness levels to new highs. As part of the initial fitness test we will record your weight / waist hip ratio and a number of other metrics – these will be repeated after 8 weeks to see how you did.

You’ll also do a before and after photo – this can be daunting to some but we honestly believe that this one thing can simply and effectively show just how much someones body composition has changed over the 8 weeks. Putting 2 photo’s taken at the same place in the same clothes 2 months apart shows how much a person has stuck to the plan more than any other one metric 🙂

The habit tracking app is used to ensure that the plan we have agreed on is stuck to. Week by week you will keep track of how you are doing and how well you are progressing toward your goal. Along with before and after shots this part of the programme is a great tool to show progress but more importantly it helps build great healthy habits – vital for long term changes. the app is free of charge and is very simple to use – we can help you set that part up as the individual settings will vary from person to person.

Real world nutritional advice – We hate gimmicks and fad diets so you won’t be put on one while taking part in your 8 week programme. We get our information directly from a very qualified performance nutritionist that works with very high level athletes. You will be given tips and meal ideas to get your nutrition dialled in to support the training you are doing but without constant calorie counting and strict guidelines.  As much as the physical training is important if body composition change is a persons goal they have to look at what they eat and drink every day.

We honestly believe that by utilising the sessions and tools in the 8 week challenge you can give yourself a real push towards sustainable fat loss and fitness results.  We want people to see this as just the starting point – a way to get on track, meet like-minded people and discover how much they are capable of. 40RTY is about long term. We will set up a closed Facebook page for participants taking part to share their experiences and tips – this has worked fantastically well in the past on other programme we have ran.

by starting the 8 weeks you are committing yourself to something that will delivery results – those results will further your motivation to carry on – we will help you every step of the way – lets get started!

There is no additional cost to this challenge – just the normal £35 a month 40RTY membership. To find out more or register simply fill out the form below – we are happy to answer any questions so please ask 🙂



Those of you that either train with us at NPC or have been following our posts know that we are BIG believers in that it is how HARD a persons works that determines their results.

In conjunction with commitment, intensity is the key decider between peoples results when it comes to fitness. Simply put the harder a person tries, the better their results both initially and in the long term.

We are big fans of simple ways to track how hard a person is working during their sessions and find the MyZone heart rate belts fantastic for this – so much so – we installed a receiver in the gym that links to a screen to show peoples results live during the classes. This in itself is a great way to make sure everyone is trying hard – more importantly for us, it highlights (in vivid colour lol) if a person is not pushing as hard as they should be.

It is important to note what we are talking about here – we are simply referring to how HARD a person decided to work NOT how fit they are. In truth, we don’t really care how fit you are – what is important is how hard you are willing to push yourself to get the results you are after.  So many people waste their time by simply turning up to the gym / class and going trough the motions – why spend money and time not getting the most out of every session?

Examples of how my sessions look. 

Classes: During our classes we typically use work times of between 20 to 60 secs with varying amounts of rest. During those intervals you should be trying as hard as you can – lets say that again AS HARD AS YOU CAN. It does not matter if you don’t make it to the end of the exercise as long as you were putting 100% into the movement. We’d much rather see participants burn out in 20 to 30 secs – take a short pause and then try to carry on than see people reach the end of that exercise with plenty left in the tank. We say exactly that from people that see themselves as being fit – wearing the MyZone (or using a different monitor of your own) highlights this brilliantly.

The bar chart above is from my (Spencer) MyZone and was a trial of my Fighter 40RTY class last Tuesday. There is a fair bit of information on that screenshot but the key part to look at is the average % in the top right corner – 83% – that includes the warm up and the cooldown so the session performed at a high intensity. For those that are unfamiliar with MyZones the colours in the bar chart relate to the percentage of my maximum heart rate. Blue is 60% to 69%, Green 70% to 79% and yellow is 80% to 89% – the red shows over 90% but we are not looking for that all the time – yellow was the zone of requirement for this session 🙂

The screenshot shows that i tried to maintain a high work rate all the way through the session. I did that set with one other person and we both achieved similar results – big pat on the back for him as well – great effort!

I’ll be dead honest, there were many occasions i had to stop, take a coupe of breaths and then carry on during that session. The aim was always to push as hard as possible on each exercise even if that meant having to take more frequent pauses.

Gym session

This time the screenshot was from a small session i did – just a standard type of weights based circuit that i enjoy (sort of lol) doing in the gym. Again – the focus was on how hard i could push for as long as possible. What i did is listed below:

2 mins bag work – fast / heavy hits – maximum effort

Roll out deadlift burpees x 8 with 100kg

Grappler push press with 25kg x 12 

Renegade row burpees with 24kg’s x 8 

Band stretch x 12 reps

REPEATED 4 times – only resting when i had to. 

Lots of peaks and troughs in that session but overall again the average heart rate was high so i’m happy with what i did. By working with decent sized weights it meant that i was able to work on power / strength etc and also help improve my high level cardio work rate.  The thing i see people doing wrong with this style of circuit is choosing weights WAY too low for them. If i’d used half the weight is did in this session the graph would have looked totally different. By going heavy it forces me to work harder – remember – i can always stop for a few seconds to get my breath.

Does it always have to be that hard? No, in fact there should be peaks and troughs in your training and it is the reason why we plan the 40RTY sessions to be sometimes very intense and some not so much – by having it this way a person can get a couple of really hard hitting sessions in and also some easier (at least heart rate wise!) ones during their training week.

The chart above shows me running through a cardio session – although i’m still working hard the stations are longer in duration so i’m trying not stop at all. This ‘pacing’ style is my only such session each week were i purposely don’t go all out. I feel it helps my recovery and also takes the mental challenge down a peg for the day. I definitely recommend making 1 of your sessions like this each week. The big thing to remember though is that if say you are doing 4 sessions a week – at least 3 sessions should look like the first 2 screenshots and only 1 like the last one – too many people have it the wrong way around – this will not give you the results you are chasing – don’t waste your time and effort – give it 100% more often!!  By using the classes as they are designed you can really make a change to your fitness – get your food half right and you’ll also see some fantastic changes in your body as well.

Takeaway advice

  1. Work hard – push yourself as much as you can when the sessions allow you too.
  2. Stop pacing yourself every session – stop worrying about making it all the way through each exercise – burn out – pause, then go again.
  3. Use more weights when you can – if you are unsure – take time to speak to us and we can help you nail your technique – practise with heavy weights in your own time to get confident.
  4. Make 1 session a more steady one – we design some of the cross training and resistance sessions to be lower in heart rate intensity – make these sessions about quality movements and try heavy weights.

As ever, drop us a message if you’d like any help with this or any of the topics you’ve read on the blog – we honestly want to see people achieve as much as they can and are very happy to offer any advice if we can.



As an instructor i say that phrase A LOT when I teach our 40RTY boot-camp programme or when i’m working 1 to 1 with clients. People think it’s just something i say to try and get people to push through the exercise or to help them get through the session and i guess at some level it is but in truth i honestly believe it is also much more than that.

When it comes to exercise and weight loss (and many other areas of life) i can’t tell you how much i believe that an individual has the power to change themselves starting by simply doing one thing – telling themselves they can do it. I mean that not in a pseudo motivational kinda way – i simple mean that the biggest ‘light-bulb’ moment i had was when i came to the conclusion that “i can do it”. 

For as many years as i can remember i had told myself that i was fat and rubbish at any kind of sport / activity. Some of that was from people teasing etc and i was bullied for it at school but the BIG truth was I chose to believe it. I let those unhelpful thoughts control my whole life for years which when you think about how misleading thoughts are is less than ideal! I’m not psychologist so will let those qualified explain what i mean about identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts here – have a read – it can really help!

My light bulb moment came when i realised that by constantly believing myself to be a useless case i was keeping myself from making a change – i won’t be dramatic and say ‘from that day on‘ etc but i did pretty much start making changes very soon after coming to the conclusion that i could do it – i decided that if it was my problem then i had the power to change and improve the situation. So – i did – but how?

I’m known as being blunt – too direct perhaps with people asking for help with weight loss / fitness but let me really spell out what i mean and why. The following is VERY blunt, sit down and don’t react – you’ve been warned.


Harsh huh? Yes – definitely but that was the talking to i gave myself and subsequently to others i have had the great pleasure of working with that went on to make very positive and life changing adjustments to their thinking – that in turn led them to some great and very inspiring changes. Rather than being cruel i honestly think this way of thinking is incredibly helpful! When you realise that you and you alone have the power to make changes it liberates you from all the nonsense reasons you have put in front of you as to why you can’t do it – any of these ring a bell?

  • No time
  • Too old
  • Too fat 
  • Don’t like exercise
  • Its my genes
  • Its not my fault – i’m just big
  • Can’t afford it
  • Too busy
  • Too late for me
  • I’m rubbish
  • Can’t get motivated

Etc etc etc, blah blah blah – i’ve heard the above and many (many!) more over the years i’ve been working with people and a fair few of those were my own thoughts. By literally slapping yourself in the face and telling yourself that they are all utter nonsense you allow the mist to clear and you can begin your journey! Dramatic eh? Mist lifting – seeing the opportunities laid out in front of you? 🙂 Perhaps but blowing all the fluff and romance away it was HUGELY empowering for me to realise that if it was my – for want of a better word – fault – then i had the power to change the situation. Constantly blaming outside factors (and yes they do hinder your initial efforts but give me any excuse and there will be hundreds if not thousands of people that have the same issues that have still done it) just prolongs the issue.

By facing up to the truth that if you want something the starting point to getting it is accepting your situation and making the decision to change.

So when i say ‘You can do it’ i really, really mean it – believe that you can do it – push yourself just a little more, be just that tiny bit better with your nutrition, ask for a little help – small, steady steps accepting fully that you are in charge is how i and others i’ve met over the years have made some very big changes.

Your life lies in your hands – don’t bluff yourself into thinking any other way – go for it and if you need ANY help just reach out but be prepared to work!



Who is 40RTY for and other common questions…

Since putting together the 40RTY programme we have had a fair few questions from people wanting to know more – we thought it might be a good idea to list some of the more common questions so you can see what it is all about.  Hopefully the below will give you a good idea of what 40RTY is but please feel free to drop us a line at info@npcgym.com if you want to know anything else 🙂

What is 40RTY Bootcamp Training?

A very good question 🙂 Basically it is a varied series of 40 minute (hence the name) group exercise sessions ran each day.  We have different themes on different days but all are designed to burn fat, build strength and boost fitness. We created the programme to allow people to attend multiple sessions each week in a fun but challenging environment to help them reach their weight loss and fitness goals.

We ran bootcamps in the past and loved how well people pushed themselves but always worried how they’d do when the bootcamps ended. We wanted to create something that was similar in style to traditional bootcamps but allowed people to constantly improve and carry on getting better and better results.

Continue reading

Our 40RTY 8 week challenge launches July 1st!

If you are looking to make a real improvement to both your fitness AND your body then we are very (very!) confident our new 40RTY Bootcamp Training will help. For those that don’t know, our 40RTY classes are a series of 40 min (hence the name) HIIT / circuit training group exercise sessions held at NPC Gym in Loughborough.

We have 4 different variations:

  • Cardio
  • Fighter
  • Resistance
  • Cross training

Each class is designed for all fitness and experience levels and they have become very popular with both new and old members. We wanted them to be more though – the original concept behind 40RTY was always more than just an exercise class.

Continue reading


Recently we have had a lot of enquiries about our 40RTY Boot camp Training from people that have tried or are currently taking part in ‘transformation‘ type boot camps / group personal training. These enquiries have spurred us into writing this blog post to both highlight what we see our 40RTY Bootcamp Training as and how it may differ or perhaps more importantly, be similar to what they are used to.

Transformation type courses and programmes have sprung up everywhere – what was a few years ago simply a structured fitness and weight loss boot camp is now peddled as some sort of highly specialised programme. Essentially the majority of these group exercises programmes are simply circuit training sessions hyped up as something else. Circuit training was first cemented and officially categorised as an exercise type back in 1953 by R.E. Morgan and G.T. Anderson from the University of Leeds but its roots go back further to early military training and in many differing forms way, way back into history.  In more recent times different types of circuits have evolved but they are much the same – periods of work with a varying degree of rest repeated multiple times and with multiple exercise types. As much as certain people may want you to believe, this stuff really isn’t rocket science for the vast majority of the people that it could help.

We love circuit training (we really do!) in all its formats and truly believe it is one of the most effective ways to help people work towards multiple weight management and fitness goals. In fact circuits in some form or another has played a part of everything we’ve done as instructors – from weights based ones for ourselves and our clients to community boot camps and residential weight loss and fitness holidays.

We obviously have nothing against it so whats the problem? Well, two things – 1 = cost and 2 = nonsense used to make it sound like something much more than it really is or to make it sound much more complicated. The people that we have been speaking with have been telling us about MONTHLY fees of anywhere between £70 and £200+ a month – are they really worth the cost? Some people clearly think so – fair play to them if they do – different horses for different courses after all – and definitely so if they have seen good results BUT have they been drawn in by hype? Could they have achieved the same results (or better) by something as simple and much more affordable as simple circuit training? We think so and it is the reason our 40RTY programme was conceived. Below summarises what 40RTY is and what it can do.

The name is simple –  no ‘meta‘ this or ‘functional‘ that – it simply relates to that fact that our sessions are 40 mins long 🙂 Next – it costs £35 a month – no other joining fees but we do recommend MyZone heart-rate monitors to get the most out of the 8 week programmes – we can supply those at £65. Saying that we have plenty of members that don’t use them and still get great results – option is there if people want it.

Is this right for you?

Yes, we think so if you are looking for something to:

  • Help with weight loss – particularly fat loss
  • Increase your all round fitness
  • Better your muscle tone
  • Gain greater ‘usable’ strength
  • Improve muscle endurance

What the £35 monthly fee includes:

  • Access to classes everyday of the week – weekdays 2 per day with more being added as we approach the Autumn. They also change everyday so no boredom here.
  • Accountability – we help you keep track of your goals through body composition tests, fitness tests – don’t panic – they are suitable for all levels and mini goal tracking and ongoing support with our rolling 8 week challenges – when you finish one we will help you get going on to the next, helping you constantly improve.
  • Nutrition advice – simple, easy to follow nutrition help from Doctor level specialists that work with elite level athletes. No fad diets – just healthy food choices and an abundance of recipes.
  • Full open gym membership – group exercise may not be the only thing you like to do – by allowing our members full access to the gym at other times they can work on specific targets individual to them.

The 8 week challenge part of 40RTY is designed to be as effective as the transformation type programmes out there BUT we want people to look beyond the 8 weeks – simply using the first one as a stepping stone to the next – constantly moving forward and making greater and greater. We also feel that as the membership is more affordable it opens up this type of fitness to people from all walks of life.

Did we also mention that we are happy for you to try FREE 5 sessions to see if you like it? Put it to the test – see how it compares to what else is around – we’re confident you will enjoy it – grab a free guest pass here

As ever – any questions please ask


What is 40RTY?

What is our 40RTY programme?

We’ve been posting quite a bit about our new class format – 40RTY but wanted to elaborate on what it actually is. A few bullet points we thought might help.

1. A series of classes designed to work in a similar way to traditional fitness boot camps but with no end date or expensive outlay – we feel this is a great way to boost fitness, lose body fat and get stronger! We combine HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training), traditional circuit training, strength training and real world or ‘functional’ training to provide a one stop fat burning, fitness boosting and strength building group exercise programme.

2. Four different class styles but with a regular theme running through each.

  • Cardio – This class uses traditional bodyweight exercises and various pieces of our equipment to burn a lot of calories in a short space of time.
  • Cross training – This class uses a wide variety of our more functional equipment such as battle ropes, sandbags and tyres to burn calories, build strength and improve ‘real world’ fitness.
  • Resistance – Using barbells, dumbbells and other resistance equipment this class is designed to strengthen and tone muscles whilst still ticking the calorie burn box 
  • Fighter training – This class mixes bag work and MMA non contact style fitness drills with more traditional circuit training to get participants into real fighting shape – BONUS – also lets you beat your frustrations away!

3. Each group session is 40 mins in length – get in, train, get out! Perfect for those on a busy schedule. If you think that does not sound long enough we’d say come along and try for yourself 🙂

4. Each class will be different to the last! Boredom can kill enthusiasm in exercise sessions so we work hard to keep the sessions varied, engaging and most of all – effective.

5. Morning and evening classes. We run classes Monday to Friday at 06:10 until 06:50 and each evening from 18:30. There are also classes at the weekends should you wish to really push yourselves.

6. Constantly evolving 8 week challenges to help you stay focused and to give you something to work towards. Setting and sticking to fitness and weight loss goals are vital to long-term success. We’ll help you track your progress and keep you moving forward.

7. We will help those interested in their nutrition with simple real world advice to help you get control of a diet that will support your goals.

8. Suitable for all levels. These sessions are designed to allow participants of all levels to train together, you don’t need any previous experience to take part – just a willingness to try!

The weekly timetable

We hope the above gives people a better idea of what our new 40RTY programme is all about but the best way to see if it is for you is to come along and give it a try!

You can grab a FREE 5 visit class pass here. You can use this pass even if you have been to us before or have a lower level membership – we really think you’ll like it and decided 5 classes would give people a good feel for how they are going to work – grab yours here

For more info simply drop us a line via the form below or at info@npcgym.com


For a large percentage of the weight loss and fitness population boot camps work – period. If you are looking to lose weight / tone up / build fitness then an 8 or 12 week high volume (we mean lots of sessions) boot camp will work and get you closer to your goal than virtually any other type of training plan we have tried.  The have pro’s and cons and in this brief article we want to share those with you and how we think our new 40RTY programme can improve it.


  • It works! – Sounds daft but they biggest reason we recommend 8 to 12 week boot camps is they work!
  • Wide degree of variety – The training sessions should vary throughout the week and be progressive so you can see and feel results.
  • Results driven – Constant monitoring of things like weight, fitness, body composition etc keeps highlighting improvements.
  • Accountability – having an instructor pushing you, making sure you attend the classes and monitor results
  • Team spirit – It creates a great team feeling amongst participants


  • Expensive – very often these kind of boot camps are sold as ‘transformation’ (whatever the hell that means) as subsequently charge an inflated price.
  • Set times – although the sessions run multiple times a week – they tend to be at fixed times once per day maximum – not ideal if you are tied to certain work hours or have children.
  • It is very very tough for a lot of people – the drop out rate can be quite high due to over exertion / over use. The transformation industry has made this worse – quick fix to look as good as possible as quickly as possible normally resorts to stupid dietary changes // fad products and a huge focus on how much can be lost in the time.
  • It ends – the biggest negative in our opinion – having an end date may feel good as you can aim for something BUT very often (and we have seen this so many times) people are left a little lost as to what to do next and quickly slip back into old habits

We had been toying with a solution for ages and think we may have something that is close to a boot camp but with less of the cons – 40RTY is our solution

What is it

On the face of it is simply a group exercise programme using circuit type training (boot camp, functional and hiit style as well as more traditional barbells etc) but we think buy making some small tweaks it stacks up pretty well against the 6, 8 or 12 week style things on offer. It is designed for people that want to:

  • Lose weight 
  • Get fitter
  • Tone up 

Basically what most people start out on the fitness trail for.

40RTY is:

  • Varied classes – not only styles but each class will be different to the next – you will never do the same session twice
  • Morning and night time sessions 6 days a week to allow flexibility
  • A plan – you can tell us what you are looking to achieve and we can help you monitor and move towards it
  • Accountability – we will be monitoring attendance, helping you keep track of your progress and if you use a MyZone monitor we can help even to keep you on track
  • Great team spirit – working together in this type of environment creates real camaraderie. Not only this but we have set up a closed Facebook page for participants to further help each other
  • It has no end date – when you have finished your 8 week challenge we simply help you review what you did and move onto the next stage – great for continued improvements. Sustainability is the number one thing that will get you were you want to be – this kis a journey – the longer you stay with it the better your results will be.
  • Less intense – as we are not racing toward a strict finish line we don’t need to make the training stupidly hard – you can and will be pushed (harder than you think you can manage should you so wish) but it is not needed – this is great for those just starting out.
  • Affordable – all included as part of our £35 a month rolling membership – no other fees however we would massively suggest looking at a MyZone monitor – 40RTY participants can get those for £65

40RTY starts officially on the 4th of June but we have classes running now for you to try – grab a free pass below to try it for your self of just to find out more